Monday, January 28, 2013

The Treacherous Days Before Blood Pressure Cuffs


Well, Lord Grantham killed Sybil last night and it was rough.

But interesting! I'm glad for this exciting turn of events because I was starting to get a little bored with Downton. They have grossly overestimated our affection for Bates. I was totally into him like everyone else in season 1, but now I find it boring to watch him read letters and mope. Also overestimated: the hotness of Matthew and Lady Mary as a couple.

It's very sad to say goodbye to Sybil. She was spunky and progressive. But now there's lots of interesting stuff going on where Cora blames Robert (and she should—He privileged the diagnosis of a fancier doctor instead of listening to Dr. Clarkson—big mistake) and now the chauffeur is just hanging out at Downton and can't return to Ireland. And there's also the baby girl, who will raise her? Maybe mommy blogger Matthew Crawley, who seeks fertility treatments after "trying" for one month. He's got big plans for the nursery. You should see his Pinterest board.

I like where this is going!


  1. After I wiped my tears, I thought the same exact thing. This was great for the show.

  2. I sobbed like a motherless child at this development in DA. However, I lololololol'd at Matthew Crawley having a Pinterest board. Carry on!

  3. Also, lots of the Downton drama lately has been fake-outs. I love Sybil, but it's nice to see something happen that's not going to be solved by, "Oh, just kidding," next week.

    I'm not even on Pinterest, but I'd TOTALLY follow Matthew Crawley's board.

  4. Totally agree. Last week I was secretly thinking that Downton was getting a bit boring. I was getting sick of Lord Grantham and Matthew smoking cigars after dinner and the grey prison scenes. Don't you think Alfred, James and new Kitchen Helper Girl = William, Thomas and Daisy? Also, I need to google eclampsia because I thought it was "cured" by the baby being born. I need to be more informed. Also, it totally bugs me that married women get breakfast in bed but not unmarried women.

  5. Last night's episode was so sad-but I agree that Sybil's death has moved the plot right along. My hubby and I couldn't stop at last night's episode, though. We Googled the iTV (UK) episodes so we could finish the season. Anyway, things get pretty good in the last 3 episodes!

  6. I already watched the season along with the Brits, but this episode--the whole death scene--I had to watch it all over again few days later, it was so well done and heartbreaking. Once I get the DVD I'll watch it again. Poor Sybil. Poor everyone. There are some nice moments coming up.

  7. I like this series, I really do. However, ever since he left his pregnant wife in Ireland and high tailed it back to Downton, I don't like Tom, so there couldn't have been a worse ending in my estimation, because now the better half of that equation is gone, leaving us with, well.....Tom. Maybe this will be the beginning development of some redemptive qualities for Tom now that he's suffered loss. I dunno.....
    Anyway, Sybil was the only interesting Crawley in the bunch. The end.

  8. Totally nailed the Bates situation. I am soooo over him. Plus, am I the only one who can never understand a word spoken in that prison?? I have to turn on the captioning every time we get to a scene in there!

    Poor Matthew and his fertility concerns!

  9. "Mommy blogger Matthew Crawley, who seeks fertility concerns after trying for 1 month." Shut the front door. You just made my day. Gracias.

  10. I agree: grossly overestimated our affection for Bates.

    Advice for Julian Fellowes: The longer the Bates/Anna will-they-ever-be-together storyline continues, the less we care.

  11. As soon as she said "my feet are swelling" I was all "Girlfrannn, you are getting preeclampsia, probably going to die." I know my preeclampsia.

    Also, what is the thing they keep finding in Bates' room? A paper filled with sawdust? Is it some sort of meth? I don't know my post-war English prison drug smuggling.

    And you are my hero.

  12. Have you seen the Christmas special episode yet? SPOILER: another death. Go watch it. Hurry! I need you to write about it!
