Thursday, January 24, 2013

Look What I "Thrifted" Today

I got some stuff at DI today that I'm especially psyched out of my mind about.

3 polyester old lady shirts from Pykettes. There was a major run on Pykettes today. The label says "drip dry" but you hardly even have to. They come out of the washer practically dry to the touch. There are no drips with polyester. Why and when did it go out of favor?

See the ruffly high collar at left? I love it and it is awesome. And it was $4. I got a white one with black stuff on it and a black one with maroon (maroon!) and blue stuff on it. So perfect and silky where silk is polyester. Fancy, fancy polyester.

And the 3rd one is navy and red with a little tie at the neck. This polyester old-lady shirt from the 80s is exactly what contemporary, expensive versions of this shirt sold at Banana Republic are referencing. Bam. 

I also got a blue cotton oxford button-up mid-calf pleated skirt and a night gown, but I'll leave those to your imagination.

Having secured my mom's work wardrobe from 1984, I snatched up 12 plastic lunchroom trays that could very well have been used in my grade school. They seem familiar. I'm so pleased with it all. I've been wanting lunchroom trays for a while now.

I just had a feeling I should go to DI today. It's my room of requirement and it calls to me the way some people are called to home school or name their children something weird.

I hope you love my blouses. I hope one day we dine together on my vintage lunchroom trays. I hope you see me jauntily leaping from dock to shore in my pleated skirt this summer. And I hope you never see my nightgown, but imagine it as beautiful. 


  1. Good job! I'm a fan of polyester pykettes blouses from bygone decades. Most of mine are from the closet of my back door neighbor but you've inspired me to hit up DI very soon.

  2. I was surprised at how many they have. I love them. I remember Pykettes. It used to be in Orem next to where Chucky Cheese is now!

  3. I never was cool. This seals it. I've never heard of Pykettes. But, Kacy, you look fabulous in all three!

    1. If knowing where your grandma liked to shop is cool why then, yes. I definitely am cool.

  4. Those are terrific shirts. Have you had good luck with your D.I. shirts not having residual B.O.? I've learned I have to check. The D.I. is such a cave of wonders. I got a Staub enameled Dutch oven for thirty bucks there last spring.

  5. Layne, it is a best practice to check for BO. I haven't had a problem with any of these. You know how polyester likes to breathe.

  6. You look lovely!! I haven't been able to pull the trigger on the poly blouses with the jabot necks. My grandma Layton has been wearing them exclusively since the eighties, so when I try one on I don't feel fresh and ironic, just elderly. I guess I've got to work through it, for the sake of fashion. But I do like D.I . I was thinking about going today. Maybe they will have some 1950s snack trays I don't already have? I have like 200, but one never knows. Anything is possible at Deseret Industries.

  7. I am such a sucker for snack plates. Thanks for teaching me what "jabot" means.

  8. The third one with the tie neck is to die for, but they're all so good! Gotta run to D.I. now, see ya!

  9. nice finds - i've missed d.i. since leaving the rockies. but my 4 yr old was doing a madlibs and when asked for a store, she said "goodwill" - so i guess we get by.

  10. I have never had much luck with DI or any thrift store for that matter - although I know many women who have wonderful luck there. But I have had some really good luck with consignment shops - a tad more expensive, but they have dressing rooms!!

  11. i appreciate your full discolure as well as your use of quotation marks around "thrifted".

  12. I totally love all of those blouses. I'm a freak for prints on a dark ground so those last two are ringing all my bells. And I'm trying not to be envious that there is not incredible thrifting like that available in Los Angeles any more. You look so great in that little pencil skirt too!

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  14. All the thrift stores around here are tiny compared to the D.I. Will you use your connections to get them to build one in Lincoln?
