Friday, August 17, 2012

Last Friday of Summer--Weekly Round Up

My kids go back to school next week. It feels like I should seize the say by doing something fun and commemorative but instead I just went grocery shopping and now I'm ready for a nap. Oh Captain! My Captain!

If you want to look at the Disney Dream portraits, look at them. I think they are interesting.

No one ever asked me about my "mom uniform" but that didn't stop me from blogging about it!

When will you let your daughter wear makeup? Tell me how you feel about it.

Ben and Ellen have been hanging out quite a bit. Here's a post about our family dynamics.

Do you like Usain Bolt's attitude? He kind of bugs me. I wrote this for Oscar Pistorius. He's my favorite.

And in terms of a Summer Review, June was most notable for my birthday. I turned 40 with some awesome ladies. My husband gave me a surprise party with flash mob. Prior to the flash mob I defended my un-ironic love for 80s music--notable because my flash mob danced to (and sang!) Bon Jovi's You Give Love a Bad Name. Everyone gave me a book. Sigh. Greatest month or THE greatest month?

July was hot and we went to a rodeo.

August has been a blur of spending money on my kids so they can go back to school. It's worth it.


  1. I enjoyed your "mom uniform" post--because it kind of nailed it! You have me down to the toms, skinny jeans, cardigan + sweatshirt. the only thing i'd add is a scarf. fun!

  2. I am getting ready to go back to school too - it's tough being a teacher - at least it is for me. I just have to get through the first day and then I'm fine. But I kick against the pricks all the way to the first day!! It doesn't help that I am missing the Hood to Coast Relay with Harry and the chance to visit Phoebe and fam because of school starting earlier and earlier every year!!

  3. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Unrelated but will you read/review "The Book of Mormon Girl"? I'm interested in your take.
