Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Babble On

I started writing for Babble.com today. I am going to write posts there EVERY day. While I am very excited about this opportunity I can't help but feel like I'm, oh what's the word--doomed to fail. I'm not hard core. I'm not a pro blogger. I don't know how to write journalistic headlines. I prefer titles with obscure references to Led Zeppelin songs with obscure references to Lord of the Rings. (See: Led Zeppelin's "Ramble On" and I quote: "T'was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair.") I'm not sure a lot of people are Googling such fare. Heck, people are still coming to this blog with the search, "Pantyhose all day stink."

But I'm really enthusiastic and I'm going to learn the ropes. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to do a slideshow. Watch for it next week! Tomorrow I'm posting about how Bruce Springsteen helped me with a little parenting issue I've been having. I'll do a "Weekend Roundup" at some point to show you what I'm talking about over there. Or you can check me out at Babble every day. There are other bloggers there. One is even named Casey! If you can believe it. Wish me luck. Ima do my best to blog like a boss. . . The Boss, in fact--tomorrow! (See how I did that? Total pro-move.)


  1. A post every day? For how long? Like . . . forever?

    Good luck! I'd last about three days. Does that mean you'll be blogging here less/

    1. Only time will tell. I plan to still blog here. These are my roots.

  2. Love it.

    Question - How do I subscribe to just your posts in my reader? Can someone out there help me? Is this too technical of a question??

    1. I don't know the answer to your question, Josh but I'm flattered that you will only read my posts.

  3. Very cool-Ima follow you there.

  4. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to this. A daily dose of Kacy is just what the world needs. Or what Babble needs. Something like that. Either way, this is good news.

  5. You are going to rock it! YAY!!!
