Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Book Report: When You Reach Me

Maggie got a copy of When You Reach Me (Yearling Newbery) at her writer's symposium. (Embedded brag.) She read it and thought I would enjoy it. One of the good things about blogging about books, movies, and shows I like is that people who read my blog know my taste very well, Maggie included. So she encouraged me to read it and I loved it. You should read it too. You'll like it.

Often you read a book and it's really good and interesting or fun and compelling or occasionally boring and not worthwhile. But sometimes you read something very insightful in a book that strikes you as true and it surprises you that you never thought of it before.  I felt like that when I read this in When You Reach Me:

"Sometimes you never feel meaner than the moment you stop being mean." Oh. It's so true. Isn't it?


  1. I liked this book enough to buy it - and for me that's saying something.

  2. My daughter checked this out of the library a few months ago and passed it on to me. I thought it was slow in parts but overall I liked it. It wrapped up well.

  3. I loved that book. Our book club read it about a year ago. I passed it on to my 10 YO and she loved it as well. Yet again you prove that you have excellent book/tv/movie/music taste (ok, except for that whole Sprigsteen thing).

  4. I read this for my adolescent lit class and really liked it, too.

  5. Mila begged me to read it, and I finally did, and I was not disappointed.

  6. I really really enjoyed this book (it was a battle of the books book for us) and I tried to get my girls to read it--we had just finished reading aloud A wrinkle in time. No dice, they couldn't get past how it took place in ancient times (1973) and yet felt like it was happening at this very moment.

  7. Thank you so much for the recommendation. I loved it, and that whole quote.
