Wednesday, March 28, 2012

About Yay High

Yesterday we played kickball at pack meeting with the cub scouts. I remembered something I did in grade school. I used to occasionally play kickball at recess. I wasn't good but I wasn't the worst. You know how you can request that the ball be pitched to you "slow and smooth" or "fast and bouncy"? Well, I like it slow and bouncy and I remembered that I used to say, "Slow and bouncy. . . " and then I would hold my foot up off the ground about four inches and say " . . . about yay high."

Ugh. Doesn't that just make you hate me? I actually thought it was a really cool thing to do. I wasn't a jock. No one knew me. I wasn't a personality in the class that everyone would listen to and care that I said "yay high." I never kicked home runs. Why did I say that? Sometimes I remember things about myself as a child that are endearing. But this just makes me want to tell myself, "Keep your head down, freak."


  1. Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone did that.
    I would even send the ball back to be re-pitched if it didn't meet my discerning tastes.

  2. "Keep your head down, freak." My new self-affirmation mantra.

  3. I need to learn to say that in Gospel Doctrine class.

  4. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I caught Mike Roth's pop fly and then all the boys hated me. They would later be redeemed in 6th grade when Brent Hamilton through a baseball and it hit me in the face. Yeah, I hate kickball. Remember, "fast and bouncy and to the side"?
    This is Becky McKay by the way.

  5. I want that printed on a t-shirt.

  6. I remember always saying "no puppy guarding" when you didn't want someone to goal tend, or hover around "home base"

  7. I used to think that people who said "yay" as a term of measurment were cool. What does that say about me?

  8. I remember asking for it fast and smooth. And when it was not my turn, yelling at the ball thrower (I feel like it's not really a pitcher) "We want a pitcher, not a belly itcher." It was not that intense, but we thought it was apparently.

  9. Anonymous8:35 PM

    You're the funniest blogger in blogland and I'm glad you did awesome things when you were a kid so you can tell us about it now.

  10. At my school we had two options: "slow and smooth" or "baby bounces."

  11. Kickball is the stuff of my nightmares.

  12. I laughed out loud reading this. I love your blog. I am a regular reader but I don't comment that often, but I just had to on this.

  13. As I was reading this, I was nodding my head because I could totally relate, and was starting to sink into a sense of shame/embarassment of the things I did as a kid. Then I read, "Keep your head down, freak." and instantly burst into hearty laughter instead. Thanks.

  14. so funny! i can relate.

  15. Sometimes that's what I say to myself when I think about commenting on your blog.
