Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Like Things from Ohio

This is my favorite song right now.

And I think these guys are the coolest:

I also like this:
I hope people from Ohio like people from Utah. I think we would get on well.


  1. I live in Utah, my BFF from college lives in Ohio. It's a lovely little state.

  2. I love the Black Keys, too. And that Bloodbust song rules. Ohio seems awesome. That's where "Family Ties" was set.

  3. Does the rhyme "carried" and "married" ever bug you? It seems a tiny bit cheap to me. I love the first line "I was carried to Ohio in a swarm of bees" but then I feel like he just put in the married line because it rhymes with carried.

    That said, I like a lot of his other lyrics.

    Ohio has Graeters Ice Cream. There's another point for Ohio.

  4. This is a perfect day to listen to The National.

  5. Oh! But you can also get Graeter's here now! It's at Smith's, since it's owned by Kroger. My friend Susie from Ohio has been talking up GRaeter's for years. I tried it a couple months ago and now I'm hooked. The Mint chocolate chip is outstanding.

  6. i'm moving there... i hope people in ohio like people from utah.

    ohio intimidates me.

  7. And by bloodbust I mean bloodbuzz...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Two words: Skyline chili

  10. I'm from Ohio!

    And this little post made me ridiculously happy.


  11. I think you forgot to link the Drew Carey Show theme song. ;)
