Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Growing a Boy: Sam

It takes a long time and I'm still not done.
But he got his braces off today--so I can cross that off the list.


  1. In my head he is still little.

  2. I'm probably just overtired, but all these pictures of him just made me cry a little. Remember his 'Car Car Beeb'? Remember!?

  3. Your Sam, my Sam...
    I think they'd make a great couple. I'll send over the contract.

  4. Did you write this post to see if it would make me cry? It did.

  5. Anonymous5:58 PM

    This boy with the straight teeth is a straight talking, straight shooting, straight arrow, straight and narrow path, straight to my heart young man. Crazy for him.

  6. I'm surprised you didn't post a photo of that time he was in that movie with Liam Neeson. The one where Liam Neeson is a Lion.

  7. I hate to break it to you, but when they are young adults, they quit wearing their retainers, stop going to the dentist on a regular basis, and you wonder why you invested so much time and money on their teeth!! Often they take pride in noting how long it's been since they've been to a dentist!!
