Friday, May 13, 2011

My Blog Was Mentioned On Studio 5

A couple of days ago I got an email telling me that my blog was going to be mentioned on the show Studio 5. Christian said, "I hope they say something nice about it," and laughed because he knew in my heart of hearts that I was thinking they might make fun of me on TV. I always think the worst. My mother taught me to do that so I would never be disappointed. They didn't make fun of me at all. The clip shows Frannie's big eye and Ben's sweatshirt outfit so, of course, I love it. They chose me as the most humorous-supportive-mom blog. I told my kids it was world-wide but I don't really know. In the clip they said people voted for the blogs on the Studio 5 Facebook page but when I looked at that page (to see who had voted for me and to add them as a friend, of course) I noticed that no one voted for me--my blog was never even mentioned. So maybe it is just a joke. Here's the clip.


  1. i'm sorry to say, they are both creepy. Still, you got mentioned and that's cool!

  2. I love how they laugh as they describe your blog--like, it's so funny we can't describe it without laughing.

  3. What exactly is Studio 5?

  4. I just assumed the producer lady was your replacement friend for me and oh wow, they are going to read this, aren't they?

  5. well deserved :) yay you!

  6. This is awesome, and well-deserved! Congrats for being on TV!

  7. I would totally have voted for you if I knew such a poll existed. So that counts, right? Or alternately- you were the short list. No one can compete type of thing.

  8. i never watch studio 5 so im so glad you posted the clip. Congrats!!

  9. When are you going to get all snotty and diva-ish in real-life but super-sweet and awesome when the camera is rolling?

  10. That's awesome!!

  11. Congratulations! That's awesome!

  12. The "how to sleep on your face" is classic Kacy and belongs in your book. Just saying.

  13. Don't even know what Studio 5 is, but congrats on the recognition!! You deserve it!

    Your "word verification" sounds like Billy Crystal in Princess Bride, btw.


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