Friday, May 27, 2011

I Really LIke Thor--He's a God, You Know

The movie Thor is a lot of fun. I really liked it. Sometimes if we don't have time to eat dinner before the movie we get a "movie dinner," where Christian gets nachos (which I don't like) and I get popcorn (which he doesn't like) for our dinner. Since I don't have to share I put a ton of salt on it--so much that my lips and tongue are puckered for several days after the movie. It felt great. If you have nothing to drink it is a bad feeling but if you have a huge icy Diet Coke it feels good. Every movie preview was a comic book movie or Harry Potter and Thor had an after-the-credits scene so I was basically in heaven. Captain America looks especially good and during the preview I slurped soda, tossed back a handful of popcorn and loudly told Christian, "I think the shield is Adamantium." If I were young, cute, and Japanese it might be kind of hot. But I am not. So it's probably the opposite of hot.

Thor is a god, see--not really a super hero. You get that--right? He's not an alien or a human but a god. So that's pretty interesting.  Thor is much better than Clash of the Titans.  Thor is surprisingly endearing for a Norse god. You'll like him. I know you are thinking that the hammer thing is really weird and stupid because it seems so clumsy but it's good in the movie and commanding thunder can be helpful. 

What I liked best, however [SPOILER], is that Thor doesn't end up with Natalie Portman. Sure, they may spend forever trying to find a way to cross into each others' realms without the bifrost but it would have been really dumb for Thor to sacrifice his world for her when he doesn't really know her very well. I would have been disappointed if he had given it all up for a mortal he just met. I'm unromantic like that. Love at first sight is just not all that interesting to watch. How did they fall in love? What drew her to him? What gesture warmed her heart? I hate it when the two attractive people just fall in love by default. It's such a cliche.

So Thor must wait for the mortal Natalie Portman or find someone immortal to pursue. That's what I would do if I were Thor. I've really only seen this kind of relationship work between Aragorn and Arwen and their relationship is fraught and complicated. I'd like to see Thor avoid that.


  1. I wasn't going to see this partly due to Natalie Portmans recent overexposure. But if you think its good....who knows.

  2. You posting tonight is like a memorial day present! What mainly happened when we saw Thor was that when Thor took off his shirt Marc sucked in his breath and whispered "I HAVE to get back on body for life." It bummed me out 'cause I hate body for life and also I felt like he thought Thor is more attractive than me...which he is, but still.

  3. Your dinner sounds perfect except for one thing. You need to add some junior mints to that popcorn. Mmmm, now it's dinner and dessert!

  4. I am now satisfied with the love story.

  5. My husband wants to name our soon-to-be-born child Thor. I'm not sure this child can pull it off. He's our child, after all, and will probably be six feet tall and weigh 140 pounds like his father. Guess I'll have to see the movie first, before I completely veto the name.

  6. I hate (but really love) to break it to you, but Cap's shield is actually a vibranium steel alloy fused together in a laboratory accident. It was once erroneously listed as an adamantuim vibranium alloy in a Marvel handbook, so the mistake is completely understandable. HOWEVER, Dr. Maclain, in trying to re-create the accident that created Captain America's shield inadvertently created adamantium as a by-product. This has lead to the unofficial labeling of the shield's metal as "proto-adamantum" because it gave rise to "true adamantium" which we all know and love from Wolverine's skeleton. So, in true geek fashion, I have told you that you were wrong and subsequently explained how you were right.

  7. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I love this! I liked the movie too and completely agree with your assessment on the whole romance thing. Did you know Thursday is actually named after Thor? It's Thor's day. Jerri

  8. Kacy, it wasn't really that much of a spoiler for me, because it's well documented in Germanic mythology that the gods will fight over Natalie Portman. But I have to agree with you, there's really nothing quite like a good deity romantic supernatural drama/thriller/documentary. Those are the best kind.

  9. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I haven't seen Thor yet but knowing he doesn't stay with Natalie makes me love him.

    Spider-Fan's comment was hilarious. Rusty's was funny, too, but WHY would the gods fight over Natalie? WHY? Why not over ME? If they really got to know my personality, they would totally fight over me. (They would go at it hammer and tongs. Get it?)
