Monday, December 06, 2010

This is To Brandon Flowers

Brandon Flowers,
Are you a Mormon [again] [still] [yet]? I just wonder because technically you are but then I thought you were lapsed but then you named your son Ammon which is a pretty bold move, even in an ironic "lapsed Mormon" sort of way. I support you. I'd love to see you making a go at Mormonism because you and I both know it's true but whatever. I'm just curious. You're cute.


  1. funny timing. i watched this on you tube just today about that mr. flowers.

    your blog rocks...

  2. I recently heard from someone in the know that he's totally got an "I'm Mormon" coming out soon.

  3. I heard that from your mom and I hope it's true.

  4. I'm glad you posted the link to that other post because I've been thinking about it a ton lately, and I'm glad to read it again.

  5. Brandon Flowers gets quite a bit of coverage in the UK press. The Killers seem to be even bigger over there. Anyway, following up to your older post that you link to, the UK press currently says that he gave up drinking a year ago. In the past, the UK press reported that he drank an occasional Red Bull and vodka, so I guess he has changed. I never heard that he smoked. think that the answer to your question is that he is Mormon, not lapsed or anything. His father was baptized in a swimming pool in the middle of the night.

    I think that "Flamingo" is his best work so far. I really like it and have listened to it about 100 times while commuting. There, I just let slip that I am OLD.

  6. I've seen his "I'm a Mormon" with my very own eyes. It's all real, baby.

  7. He's a hit with all us Mormon gals:

  8. Love this whole post and the sentiments attached. m

  9. Either that or he's Jewish.

  10. I'm so glad I clicked on the "curious" link. That was a good laugh. I heard from my brother-in-law, who heard from this guy he knows who directs music videos (including one of the Killers') that the song "Human" is about Brandon's crisis of (and returning to?) faith. How's that for credible?

  11. Should I know who Brandon Flowers is?

  12. I think Barb's brother-in-law's friend the director is my cousin-in-law.

    You let me know if Brandon writes back to you, Kacy. All I ever get is threats from his manager about restraining orders.

  13. here's an interesting article on the evolution of his band/religion:
    (i've been reading your blog for a while now - seemed proper, and not weird, to offer something in return)

  14. I read an interview years ago where he said he wasn't a good Mormon but he'd always consider himself one and would raise his family Mormon. I think he said something like "it's something I can't shake." Katherine Heigl said some of the same things, about the culture at least, but I don't think she has any plans on coming back. Brandon, he's precious.
