Monday, July 26, 2010

I'll Be Coming for Your Love OK

Here's an emergency 80s play list in case you need one. (You'd be surprised how many people do.) How do I create an 80s play list? Simple. I close my eyes and imagine myself at a dance. When I open my eyes the play list is complete. If you haven't heard, the 80s are totally back in style. Pegged pants are called "skinny jeans" now. As far as I can tell, however, there is no contemporary equivalent for gender-ambiguous hair bands.

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  1. So glad you included Never Surrender. That has always been our song, but not because either one of us needed to not surrender. Or whatever.

  2. This is EXACTLY what I needed! Thank you Thank you Thank you!! You can't possbily know how much you just saved my hide!

  3. and yes....dang nab it, I realize I just spelled "possibly" incorrectly in my haste to thank you for your generosity :)

  4. i just dropped a couple of decades off the age I was feeling today. Muchos Gracias.

  5. in last month's "real simple," there was a tutorial on how to peg white jeans--the next "big thing." the RS staffers are so fashion-forward!

  6. Thanks for a fun diversion!

  7. OMG, I have the lyrics to Never Surrender in my junior high journal. So much better than Sunglasses at Night. I am almost done reading my Kacy book, and then, as a finale, I am going to write an essay response to this playlist. I know you want me to.

    word verification: skedirst. as in skadoosh.

  8. Oh wow--this has got to be one of the best 80s playlists i've seen. I am so glad you added HoJo and Tainted Love!

  9. I love it. I'd add The Smith's Girlfriend In A Coma and something from the B52s and Violent Femmes (maybe we need an alternative 80s playlist - yes, I'm begging).

  10. Love Never Surrender. I also have Corey Hart's autographed picture. True story.

  11. Great list. I'm so glad you included Come On Eileen, one of the best 80s songs of all time. I would have liked to see Send Me an Angel, but I'll just have to do that when I'm ambitious enough to make an 80s playlist. Thanks for the memories!

  12. Is it awesome that I have had at least half of those songs in my iTunes library for awhile?
    No Go-Gos on your list? Or Human League?

  13. Yes, I made that yoyo dress. I did a post on my author's blog about it if you want to read it. you can find it at

    I love your blog. Your writing makes me happy!

  14. Perfect! But...I was expecting "Lady in Red", you know for the slow dance of the night.

  15. That was fun. I always love your playlists.

  16. Thank you for that.
