Friday, July 09, 2010

Books I Read in June: 2010

I didn't read too many books in June, either. I blame this on the rising, unreasonable demands of a cranky, non-napping Ellen. It is painfully obvious that she still  needs a nap. And I need one even more. It's not good, folks.

I read Straight Man by Richard Russo. It's pretty good and funny.

 Then I read The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. I heard a lot about this book when it first came out because it's part of a completed series and the author died. It's the first book I've read on Christian's Nook, which I made him give to me when he got an iPad.
I don't recommend this book. It's rare that I will list a book I don't recommend because I usually quit reading a book if I don't like it, but this book was intriguing and well-written so I kept with it until the end. I can't say I came out of the experience unscathed, however. It's extremely violent. It's about sadism. Rated R for sure. It's horrifying.

I needed some lighter fare after  that so I read The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jaqueline Kelly.

This is a wonderful book and I totally recommend it. It is delightful. June ended on a high note because of this book. It's like Little House on the Prairie plus Little Women plus evolutionary science. You'll find it with the kids' fiction in the library. I should probably get all my books there.


  1. I frequently feel like I should get all of my books in the children''s section...

    Maybe you should find a really boring book and read it to Ellen so she can have that nap..."Last of The Mohicans" maybe? (It put me to sleep.)

  2. I don't know what it is about a book like The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo that makes you keep reading it. Oh yeah, the writing. Intriguing is the perfect word for this book, but so is horrifying (sort of vomitous, really).

    I am not sure why so many people rave about this one.

  3. If you thought the Dragon Tattoo one was graphic don't even try the second one. They are well written though.

  4. I rarely put a book down once I've started, but I did put down that darned Tattooed Girl. I wanted to like it and I did like some of it, and I'm hardly a prude, but dang, maybe I AM a prude.

  5. Reading the tatoo book right now. My husband wanted to see the movie while we were in Denver last week. Good thing we looked up the parental reviews because they were terrifying...

    I've always wanted to read straight man!

  6. Love your reviews. Still waiting for Nurture Shock from the library. I've been on their list for far too long.

    Just found out a week ago my book is being published. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll make your reading list.

  7. Isn't the Nook awesome? Too bad you hate to pay for books.

    But who can comment about books with pictures of Ellen in the post? She is adorable and even more so when she gets a nap.

  8. Kill 2 birds with one stone: read a good book ("Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Weissbluth) and get Ellen to take a nap again.

  9. See, this saddens me, because I just added Dragon Tattoo to my "To Read" list YESTERDAY, and now I'm afraid of it... decisions decisions...

  10. Thank you! I absolutely hated Tatoo as well (for the reasons you mentioned). But people keep raving--is it only because it's a page-turner that people think it must be good? And I didn't even think that it was well-written. It was written like the author was just waiting for it to be made into a movie. I had to go find some Stegner afterwards.

  11. I started reading Dragon Tattoo the other night. We'll see about that review, missy.

  12. I have tried at various times to keep book logs and book journals - but seem to fail at the consistency end of it. So I buy a book - often at full price - that not only have I read, but I have it at home on my shelf!

    Blame it on aging!

    I was wondering about The Dragon Tatoo - think I will pass - even with the "good writing!"

  13. Okay, finished the tattoo book and I thought it was exciting and awesome! I didn't mind the writing that much --after all, it was translated.

    I'm thinking I am one of the only ones on here that liked it. That is probably because I am young and childless. We'll see how I feel in 10 years.

  14. I wanted to like it and I did like some of it, and I'm hardly a prude, but dang, maybe I AM a prude, anywat thanx for all this.

  15. Erkin Bekbolotov and book lovers around the world should rejoice for the numerous amounts of self-publishing sites around.

  16. Glad to find your website, especially your review of "The Girl..." I was contemplating buying all 3 books as a "treat" to myself but have choosen to find something of greater worth. I love intrigue & a good murder mystery, but sounds like this trio is not for me...

  17. Nice books u have read in the 2010... keep it up
    Try this one
    Love the Ecstasy
