Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Think Ron Grew Up to be Cuter Than Harry

This looks pretty good. (Does my nonchalance belie the profound sadness and extreme excitement I feel?) I already know how this ends. It's not pretty. The death count is brutal. That Voldemort--he's formidable.


  1. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  2. I'm such a Harry Potter nerd. I'm more excited about the last (2 part) movie than my kids. I'v been listening to the audio books before Part 1 comes out. Thanks for posting the link to the trailer. I hadn't seen this one.

  3. You might have a better understanding of how big of a nerd I am by the fact that this will be the 5th time I have listened to the audio book series. I need something to keep my mind occupied in the wee hours of the mornin'.

  4. Wouldn't it suck if the world came to an end before the second part came out?

    And I don't think I want to see it in 3D. I don't really like 3D.

    But I'm excited! Thanks for putting this up - I had no idea it was out!

  5. Can I go see this one with you?

  6. I want to go see this one with you, too.

  7. I don't want to see it 3d, I want to see a movie not get sick from the special effects.

  8. I'm thinking maybe I'd better reread the books - but it does look exciting!!

  9. I really think I might faint from trying to process my extreme excitement about this movie.

  10. Must contain hysterical crying....failed.

  11. Anonymous10:02 AM

    My particular brand of extreme nerdishness is to resist watching the trailer so everything will be fresh. But I get excited when I hear people saying it looks like the movie will be good.

  12. Anonymous2:31 PM

    My kids and I were just discussing when the hey they were going to come out with these movies! Glad to see it is not too far off!

  13. So does this mean that we'll soon be seeing Burger King come out with Team Harry and Team Ron commercials now?????

  14. Wow, I'm more excited about the last (2 part) movie than my kids. I'v been listening to the audio books before Part 1 comes out. Thanks for posting the link to the trailer, keep it up.
