I used to hate Women's Conference at BYU when I was a student. The crowds! Parking was already the bane of my existence and throwing 50,000 women into the mix did not help. I just made that number up. Does it sound right? Maybe it's more like 5,000? Or 700,000? Did I mention that while attending BYU I took Math 99? That class was full of dummies like me. I don't know math well enough to make a funny joke about the questions we asked our teacher and his long-suffering answers but suffice it to say that he would be all [insert obvious math principle here] and we would be all, "What are you talking about?"
I couldn't understand why women would flock to campus to stand in line and walk everywhere just to go to more church. It seemed kind of pitiful to me. Like, "Don't you have anything better to do?" However, now I look back at myself and think, "Why did you sleep in every day and never really do the reading for any of your classes? It's not like you had anything better to do." So I guess we're even--me and my college self, that is.
Now I'm--I don't know--about 15 years older (or something) and Women's Conference seems like fun. In fact, it is fun. I went to it today because Lisa gave a presentation. She did great. Her session was my favorite but I picked out a lot of other sessions to go to tomorrow. I'm trying to get more attention from Lisa so I picked out ones about depression, getting out of debt, and saving your marriage. I hope she notices and starts to worry about me and do special things for me.
I got lots of good ideas today about being a better person and I was really excited and took notes but when I got home implementing the ideas just seemed too hard. Plus I was really worn out from walking around at Women's Conference.
We used to call Women's Conference "denim tide" because of all the denim jumpers. As long as you didn't wear a denim jumper, I can respect your going.
ReplyDeleteHaven't been to Women's Conference in many years. I miss it! And I never wore a denim jumper ;D
ReplyDeleteI may have worn a denim jumper - or at the least a denim skirt. But I went for many years. And loved it. I'd love to go now, but it's always right before state testing and they frown on us taking days off.
ReplyDeleteI always took notes too - and seldom implemented anything.
But I usually read all the books I bought at the bookstore!!
YAY! A non-Lost post. Thanks so much, Kacy. This was hilarious and I had similar feelings. Denim tide made me laugh. Once some younger kids from my homeward attendign EFY broke into my apartment at the Riviera and were chillin' on my couch watching MTV when I got home from work. It was funny until I called the cops (j/k, no I'm not, yes I am). PS: I hope Lisa gets the hint.
ReplyDeleteI had to take Math 99 as well (a required math class, that didn't give you any credit, that cost extra above and beyond tuition, but that was required for graduation).
My husband likes to tease me about my 8 year old having better math skills than me.
It's funny because it's true.
I still don't understand fractions.
i went to a WC session on pornography when i was working at women's services. other than that i stood back and fumed about the hoards of women blocking my office door. i can't decide which is worse for campus: women's conference, EFY, or education week. shudder.
ReplyDeleteNot to be rude or anything Kacy but I really miss your posts on Lost.
ReplyDeleteI am so with you on this Womens Conference thing. As a BYU student the only thing worse than those EFY kids milling all over campus flirting stupidly with each other was all the women who were obviously thrilled to be away from their kids for the day wearing their pink gingham short sleeved button up shirts. So . . . But now that I'm old I totally see the appeal.
Do you think they'd let you host a session on Lost theories at Womens Conference next year?
I have now brought this comment full circle.
The End.
I took math 99 as well! It was my funnest class. During the final exam, everyone got the giggles because no one knew what they were doing.
ReplyDeleteThe poor, poor, teacher.
I totally felt the same way about Women's Conference when I was at BYU. Oh my gosh, denim tide is funny! What about chambray?! Anyway, now I think I understand the allure--time to hang out with old roommates and have some non-Mommy time. Speaking of Mommies, I think my Mom learned how to make food into cool shapes at Women's Conference one time. She could turn a hot dog into a snake, very cool!
ReplyDeleteThat was so fun. Thanks for hanging out with me.
ReplyDeleteExcellent ideas, yes. Lisa is a dynamic presenter. I loved every minute of her presentation. Also? The opening prayer.
You took Math 99? Isn't that the one just under Math 101? I took Math 95.
I was there yesterday, too, but can't go today. I didn't know Lisa was a presenter; now I feel bad I missed that class -- you'll have to post a summary.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy today, and eat plenty of mint brownies!
Someday I am going to rent seasons 1-45 of lost and watch them, and then I will read all your Lost blogs and make untimely but insightful comments.
ReplyDeleteI love going to Women's conference because it makes me feel like a student again, even though the new buildings make me very confused. I also get to eat pastrami burgers at Burger Supreme.
But alas, no babies are allowed, so I am home today. And going to Wal-Mart. So sad.
You never invite me to anything.
ReplyDeleteI took Math 99 independent study because people who know nothing about math should learn it by teaching themselves. I cried everyday of Christmas break and my Dad (a Mathematics professor, oh the irony) had to tutor me through the end sections because I was so lost. He mocked me and my remedial math openly. Now they require even higher than math 99 at BYU to graduate.
ReplyDeleteIn the BYU mag this month they published that twice as many mint brownies are eaten during WC then when BYU is in session. It made me not want to ever attend WC lest people notice I carry some junk in my trunk and like mint brownies.
Back to the lurking for me.
Elder Oaks told us today that Women's Conference began in 1976 and 500 women were in attendance, and today, there were 15,000 in attendance. So, there you go.
ReplyDeleteWe missed you this afternoon, but Elder Oaks had some great zingers. (I mean that in the most respectful way.)
So, now you're THAT lady?
ReplyDeleteI was at that first WC in 1976 - and I was barely pregnant with my 3rd child - Phoebe - and was somewhat miserable - but wanted to get in on the ground floor!!
ReplyDeleteCan you hear me laughing through your computer!??! So funny. I want to go to Women's Conference someday...
ReplyDeleteMy sister was a speaker a few years ago and that's the only time I've been to WC. I would have loved to come hear Lisa - I bet she was a crackup.
ReplyDeleteYou guys, don't worry. I totally got the hint and dropped off cookies at Kacy's house (you should have SEEN the classes she highlighted! Cries for help!!)
ReplyDeleteI thought the "denim tide" reference was priceless!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't even ATTEND BYU in college for all the stereotypes! Never went to Women's Conference IN MY LIFE, and now look at me! (if that makes no sense to you, talk to Lisa, she might be able to clear it up.)
I've got you beat; I took Math 98 (it's for super dummies.)
ReplyDeleteI went to women's conference a couple of times but I always seemed to pick the lamest classes. Everyone would tell me about the classes they went to and they all seemed so much better.
Plus the walking. Maybe if I could just park it in the JSB the whole time. . .
I am totally laughing at all the readers' comments about denim jumpers. I used to work in the BYU Bookstore and that was so what they all wore, in addition to a big bow for their hair. I would laugh inside as I watched all these women grouped together purchasing this book and that treat. I always wondered what their husbands were doing, or how they would react to all the charges to the BYU Bookstore. They should change the name to Mormon Mommy Getaway.