Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Sherlock Holmes is Great

I saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie and it is really great. Go see it. You'll like it. I liked the violence and the clothes and the music and the actors. I liked everything about it, but frankly it seemed like a rip off of House.


  1. I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know if you're joking or not...but we were talking with friends that saw it and they said that Holmes wasn't who they thought he'd be. For some reason they pictured him as a reserved gentleman. I told them from what I had read, he was an arrogant prick...but VERY VERY smart. And then I said, "Like House!" And they said, "YEAH!"

  2. So true, so true. Now I need to re-watch it with this thought in mind.

  3. I needed a Moleskine to keep up with all the details. It bugs me when I think I missed something. But that didn't affect the fact that I liked the flik.

  4. This sounds like a "chicken and the egg" dilemma. Holmes, the character, came first, so House could be said to be like Holmes...thus this new Holmes is like House who is like the old Holmes. What a quandry...can't wait to see the movie!

  5. I don't want to be a know it all killjoy, but the creator of House based the character on Sherlock Holmes. I think I saw that in the DVD extras from Season one? Anyway, I've never gotten into Sherlock Holmes, but I do love House, so maybe I will indulge the Husband and go see the movie.

  6. Kacy - you are funny. I remember how you told me that House's character is based on Holmes -- Holmes sounds like Homes which is sort of like House and they live in the same apartment on the same street and Wilson is House's Watson, etc. etc.

    But what I found interesting about the new Holmes is that I think the character in the movie was at least influenced by the character on House. This Holmes is way cooler than the Holmes I remember from the books I read as a kid.

    Like House!

  7. I liked the movie. And I like House - the few times I've seen it anyway.

    And I like the connection.

    Very literary.

  8. Okay. Maybe I might see it. I was definitely put off by the previews. I thought of Holmes as a gentleman too. But this whole House connection thing is intriguing. House is good. Thanks for the tip.

  9. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I'm pretty sure you're joking (right?) because House was inspired by Holmes. Homes/House, Wilson/Watson, etc.

  10. Just to be clear: I am joking and I am not joking. I know that House is based on Sherlock Holmes. Also, I thought Downey's Holmes seemed a little derivative of House. Interesting. Also--a VERY good movie. I'm not joking about that. Also: I love House.

  11. So you're joking right?

  12. We're supposed to see it tonight. Can't wait.

  13. So. Apparently I've commented here before. And thank's be that I came back, because I would have never known that House was based on Sherlock Holmes.
