Saturday, November 14, 2009


I just saw the movie 2012. It's kind of big and clumsy and not that great but I'm still intrigued by the concept of catastrophes and the end of the world. I'm also gullible and sentimental about Earth. Most importantly, Amanda Peet is one of my appearance icons. She is my age and has brown hair. I wish she had short hair and were fatter. That would work better for me. She has a baby named Frances who looks like Ellen and I have a dog named Frances who looks like my bed spread.


  1. I totally thought that was Ellen in the photograph!

  2. All my students have seriously asked me about the world ending in 2012 - they believe everything they see apparently.

    Except for how to spell certain words!!

  3. I'm not a fan of Amanda Peet, but I am curious about your bedspread.

  4. I feel the same way about Kate Beckinsale. I liked her better when she was normal-sized and not so Hollywood. If you watch Cold Comfort Farm (my all time fave movie) she's like a size 10!

  5. It's me again. Sorry for posting under one of my secret blog identities.

  6. i really wish my mom would stop making fun of special ed kids!

    just kidding mom.

  7. It isn't just SPED kids - all the kids at Clifton are asking their teachers about the end of the world in 2012.

    It's mostly a commentary on who kids find believable. Maybe if they made a spelling movie, which they actually have now that I think about it, kids would think spelling was important.

    I show Spelling Bee every year - spelling scores have not gone up!

  8. your blog makes me laugh... thanks... i need the laugh.

  9. Yeah I have that problem Grannybabs. Students scream out "2012" just to freak everyone out.

  10. Wow. I've missed you.
