Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Feeling Lame

One night Christian and I were parallel Facebooking on our laptops in bed. (I know! It's so romantic and intimate. I shouldn't have told you.) I told him that I hate it when I look at Online Friends and see no one or just dumb people. "It makes me feel so lame," I told him. He dismissed it with a shrug. "I never feel lame." Isn't that weird? He isn't lame, but still. I can't even imagine what it would feel like to never feel lame.

Anyway, if me and some weirdo I barely know from high school are the only people Facebooking late on a Friday night, I feel lame.


  1. if you're concerned about appearances, there's a way you can make it look so you aren't online (on Facebook) but really, you are. Thus, minimizing your 'lameness'

    Also, I just did this yesterday.
    Go to the main FB home page, scroll to the bottom, and change your language to English(pirate). Thank me later.

  2. This would be my every Friday and Saturday night.

  3. I ususally feel lame - so I can't really blame it on Facebook.

  4. What if you are the ONLY ONE on Facebook? With no friends to chat with. Not even the lame ones.

    (Of course, this has NEVER happened to me. I was just throwing it out there as a purely hypothetical situation.)

    Right, right...

  5. Am I lame if I don't Facebook at all, too?

  6. Most Friday nights I find myself fully dressed but under the covers watching Dogtown. Which I Tivo. What were we talking about? Something about lame, or something.

  7. You can only hope the other people listed as your online friends aren't thinking the same about you. And, the Pirate thing is worth your time.

  8. I'd be happy to have a lame-off with you. I'm confident I would win.

  9. That's a good sign that your husband doesn't ever feel lame, because that makes you a quintessential de-lame-ifier. He needs to work on helping de-lame-ify you as well. Hurry, before you fall into the pit of patheticalness, where some of us have been before. It's not a pretty sight. Signs include loitering at the mall, eating ice cream in the closet, or spending more than eight seconds at a time on Facebook.

  10. Did your sister Erin tell you? She and I are starting our own Anti-Nephite-Lehite thing, "Facebook Shmacebook" and only people who are so lame that they are cool can join. The fact that I just used the word 'cool' instead of some other urban dictionary word is a sure sign that I am a charter member.

  11. Was this supposed to make me feel lame? Nice try, but it didn't work. Ha!

  12. great! now i feel lame!

  13. Sometimes that is the only time in the week when life slows down for all of us right. Lame, shlame.

  14. Yeah, I am also lame. Ummm, I mean, no I'm not, it's totally COOL to be doing synchronized FB on a Friday night with your hubby. Plus, I think I'm extra special since I just tried ClistyB's suggestion with the Pirate English - Argh, cheers Matey!
