Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How Do I Do It?

Yes, well. You might be wondering how I maintain a blog, read other blogs, and check the comments on my blog compulsively. Ladies and gentleman--I'm not Superwoman! I'll let you in on a little secret: Neglect. That's how I get so much "work" done online. Today while I was reading blogs and looking at pictures of other people's babies (whom I have never met and will never meet), my own baby was otherwise occupied on the kitchen counter with some cupcakes. A little chocolate frosting never hurt anyone.
(Although I can't say the same for the cupcake she put in the toaster. Tee hee!)Now that's more like it! Usually we like to start the day with our music lessons. Today, however, Ellen wallowed in cupcakes, tried to toast one, and then took to her studies.
And just when you think you can sneak back to the computer. . .
She eats her ponytail holder. Little devil! Mommy's got work to do.


  1. OMG...she's the cutest kid ever!
    ...and my family is TOTALLY acquainted with neglect due to blogging...but my kids are all teenagers now, so i'm completely ok with it ;)

    love your blog!

  2. I just found your blog and I love it! Oh, and neglect is a semi regular occurrence at our house. Right now, my 5 and 3 year olds are taking turns jumping off of the top bunk as I type this comment. Oops! Here's hoping for no broken bones!

  3. At least she's dressed. These pictures would be really embarrassing if she was in her pajamas for every one of them (o:

  4. I just love the reality of your posts! It makes my heart happy to know I am not alone neglecting my children as I ran upstairs to the office to "get some envelopes." hehehehe...

  5. I can't get over how cute Ellen is and how much she looks like baby pics of you. She can come toast some cupcakes at my house any time.

  6. That is one beautiful little girl. I can't wait to see her soon.

  7. I heart Ellen. :) I can't wait to hear what she will have to say when she can talk.

  8. TOASTED cupcakes!? She's a genius!

  9. Now I know your secret! I love the picture of Ellen at the piano.

  10. She is so adorable! I've wondered how people can balance blogging and homelife! I've given up blogging for the time being. As for now all I can do is read other blogs and occassionally comment. Maybe I'll post again, maybe I won't. Who knows.

    Thanks for the secret! ;-)

  11. Now that my kids are both in school, they aren't quite so neglected. Hey, it's good for kids to learn to entertain themselves. Even if they are toasting cupcakes or making smores out of saltines, marshmallows and peanut butter.

  12. i don't know how you can stop staring at her. Her face is so hilarious.

  13. I love the toaster. Hilarious. And it makes me feel less guilty about calling out to screaming children, "just a minute! I'll be right there..." As I madly type a comment to a blog post of someone that I do not know personally and will never actually meet. We have to have our priorities...

  14. I was knocked over by all the cuteness. Seriously!

    I also like how the remote was close at hand to get ready for cupcakes AND a show. She knows what she's doin'...

  15. Yesterday my daughter said to me. "Mom, tomorrow morning will you get up and make breakfast for me the way you used to......before you started always getting on the computer!"

  16. Well but like any sensible female she was careful to lick the frosting off before putting it in the toaster.
    It's nice to see my child isn't the only one ruining appliances.

  17. Adorable! I fully believe that without moms like you, children never learn independence :) Props to you for trusting your children to guide themselves!

    I adore your blog, and CAN NOT wait until the joyous time that you give more parenting advice. You might be the smartest person ever :)

  18. HA HA HA! That's hilarious. I read a post once from a blogger who asked the same question. Except her answer was her "super powers"!

    She was serious, but I thought it was so funny that we put it on our own blog!

    Anyway- thanks for the honest post. I loved it.

    BTW - Heidi recommended your blog. Love it.

  19. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Get is beautiful and I love that she stuffed your toaster with a cupcake. Enjoy!

  20. I too just found your blog and I LOVE it! I like what you had to say about Jon and Kate. I used to like them....back when they lived normal lives. And the thing you wrote about 'neglect' in this post had me cracking up. One more thing...I like the 'unsolicited parenting advice'. =) funny blog!
