Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Reality TV About TV as Reality

I like Jon and Kate Plus 8. It's perfect to Tivo and watch while folding clothes. Did you see them renew their vows? Beautiful. How about their ski trip to Utah! Compelling. I am so happy that Jon appears to have been able to quit working and that resorts let the Gosselins stay for free. But now it's not so much about reality anymore. Remember when they were poor? And yelled at each other a lot? And had yellow teeth and bald spots? I liked that. I liked it because they were pretty normal and I am pretty nosy about normal people's daily lives. But now they aren't normal. It's not their fault. That's just life. Now it's more like a TV show about a family that has a TV show. I'm losing interest. If I want to know about celebrities, I don't watch reality TV--I read People.

TLC seems to have anticipated my response as they have introduced a new family with not just twins and sextuplets, but twins, TWINS, and sextuplets. I haven't watched it but there's a promo with this new family. Notice their yellow teeth? It's just a matter of time. Even the Roloffs (Little People Big World) have really white teeth. Apparently Monday night on TLC is Family Night (that's a worldly counterfeit for the real thing, people). The expecting-number-18 Dugger Family is included in this line up. What I love about the Duggers is that you know that TLC has asked the girls in the family to wear jeans and you know they have refused. I think the Duggers are fantastic and their kids are impressive. But 17 and counting? That's a little pathological, with all due respect.

The same thing happens with blogs. First you blog about your life, then blogging becomes your life, then all you have left to blog about is your life of blogging. It happened to Dooce. It could happen to all of us. Just be careful if someone starts paying you awesome money to blog full time. I'm not saying you should say no. I am saying that all you can blog about at that point is all the conferences you go to as a full-time blogger (and all the free stuff you get as a full-time blogger.) And since I will never be as popular as Dooce, it is my promise to you that my blogs will always be incredibly interesting and about TV and stuff like that. I vow never to blog about the free stuff I get, unless I get some. And yes, I'm asking for some free stuff.


  1. I was just considering this all today as I was driving: John (Jon?) & Kate was fun when they had to try to figure out how to do everything. I watched the twins, twins, and more twins show and the dad was like, "We have to go to the store every day." Kate Gosselin would never stand for that crap. She's too organized. And did you see when they were in Hawaii and the boys took a walk (treasure hunt) and one of them picked a long weed and called it his boom? Yeah... *sigh* I love tv.

  2. Sometimes when I really enjoy reading your post I can't think of anything good to say in my comment, and I feel bad about myself. That's flattery.

  3. I hear you about the TVification of John and Kate. But that is why I watch. I identify with John. He is overweight and balding and used to work at a clothing store (that is a PERFECT description of me!) But then he got a TV show and got a trainer and hair implants that look really natural and doesn't have a job. So it is aspirational. Like maybe someday someone will want to give me hair implants for free, and hire me a trainer and send me to Hawaii. All for a little show called "Raising Two Boys 18 months apart." Hmmm...somehow it doesn't seem that compelling.

    We watched that new show with the extra twins. Bo-ring. They are really happy and don't ever fight. Where's the reality in that?

    And the Duggers never do anything. "This week, the Duggers walk around their yard for 30 min!" Snooze. John and Kate are where it is at.

  4. I think you should make a six figure salary writing you blog - even if it does become a blog about blogging. Because I think you would find a way to keep it fresh and entertaining. I'm sending you a package of free stuff right now!

    Speaking of Dooce - did you see that "ugly chair" that I wrote about on Friday? She has one in her office decorated by professionals *for free*. They put it on top of a filing cabinet. So it just goes to show you can't buy free stuff - or taste - or whatever. It was a really ugly chair.

  5. I watched the twins, twins and sextuplets show, too. They let their kids pee in the grass at the park AND they ate McDonald's for lunch. The whole time I was comparing them to Kate (TV is weird). And I think that the kids from the bigger family are WAY MORE independent and spunky and fun than the J&K kids who never get to do anything remotely dangerous (like eating something that is NOT organic or climbing on top of the couch or getting messy doing a craft). And I plan to make all future parenting choices with this information.

  6. I could never pinpoint why I didn't like Jon & Kate anymore, and you nailed it. I liked the poor, yellow teethed screaming couple much better.

    I am dying laughing over josh's comment on the Dugger's. Hilarious and true.

  7. I don't have TV, but when I did, I watched both families. I don't like Kate. She won't even let her kids color for fear it might ruin their (free) clothes. There's a whole movement afoot to boot Jon & Kate off TV altogether: http://gosselinswithoutpity.blogspot.com/

  8. I have a free gift for you. Try not too get to jaded by it. it's a big basket full of socks with no match.

    What more could you possibly want?

  9. I haven't been much of a t.v. watcher for many years, but for the year our son and his family lived with us, the t.v. was on all the time.

    It's addicting - but not very good.

    And that wss my intro to reality t.v.

    The only one I like is "What Not To Wear." That's at least useful.s

    In case I ever get to go shopping for new clothes, that is.

  10. I have become addicted to the Gosselins without pity blog. But I still like Jon and Kate. It is just fascinating to watch two people who are living what has honestly (sadly or awesomely--who am I to judge?) become the American Dream and then read about how much people are disturbed by them. And fear for their children. I can't stop reading it OR watching it.

  11. Wow, I went to the Gosselins without Pity blog...intense.

  12. do you remember the o.g. 1 hour episode on TLC about john and kate? kate showed the world her stomach after having 8 children. ahhh...those were the good old days.

  13. The reality shows about families always did make me feel uncomfortable when they would yell at each other or treat each other with contempt. I always wondered if their actions were authentic or put on for the cameras. I hope that the transformations are a result of happier lives not advice from directors.

  14. plan on seeing yet another BIG FAMILY show on TLC. A blog-friend of mine was recently contacted by TLC to see about her interest in maybe doing a show with their 11 kids.
    Actually, I am glad for these folks. I like to see that they are improving. Or whatever you want to call it, but whiter teeth, less fighting and more hair is an improvement to me.
    I'm kinda all for the moving forward part of life, not the sitting in stagnation for other's entertainment, part.
    And I love that they get free stuff, why the heck not?
    Its one of those walk a mile in my crocs instances.

  15. I think the Gosselins w/o pity site is horrible.
    I use to follow this site and it has morphed in to something ugly and hateful. No matter what anyone's opinion on the Gosselins, the kids don't deserve to be made fun of of picked apart. The Gosselins put themselves in the public eye for sure...but this site is almost "stalker-ish" imo.

  16. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I had a dentist tell me my incisors would always be more yellow than the rest of my teeth. I'd like to think being famous could fix that, but I'm not going to count my chickens...or my teeth.

    You should be as famous as Dooce! Just as funny--not as bitter. (Feel free to use that as your tag line.)

  17. What I love about your blog is how entertaining you are...and then I go read the comments and those are also entertaining. It is like a win/win situation for everyone!

    I used to watch J&K+8 because I enjoyed how insane their life is (was) and it somehow made me feel better about my crazy life. I don't watch anymore because my life is even more crazy (and also, I never remember when it is actually on)...so I think I was able to enjoy them in their yellow teeth, balding wonder.

  18. KC, I just found your blog thru someone else's and I think it's weird that we're not friends because (a) we have mutual e-friends and (b) I am totally amening your blog as I read. I just added you to my link list so I will click over more often. UR hilarious, and know what? You had me at your blog title (remember that video with the fake Chuck and Di? do you love Elvis as much as I do?)


    See, if I ever make big money blogging I will TOTALLY keep it real. The realist.

  20. I've gotten a bit bored w/ Jon and Kate, too. I am glad there are no tv cameras at my house. My teeth aren't as white as they once were and I huff around the house. Love your blog!

  21. what i want to know about the twins twins sextuplets is where do they get their money to build that big ass house in long island and she stays home? mysterious, very mysterious!

  22. We saw the commercial for the Monday night family night and Taylor pointed out that we never see the Rolloffs eat as a family and they are a little messy. That's how my house would be if we had cameras following us around, messy, nothing like Kate.... ((I let my kids chew gum))

  23. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I hear you about the "blogging about blogging and free stuff" conundrum. For example, I used to really like DesignMom's blog, but lately it's felt like a total infomercial. I love her ideas and style, but unfortunately that voice seems to be getting lost in all the product plugs. Don't do that to us Kacy!

  24. Hey, I love Design Mom!

  25. Anonymous6:37 PM

    So my blog will one day get rid of my yellow teeth and pay for my husband's hair plugs? And I don't have to give birth to a litter or go on TV to do it? Awesome.

    I'm with you...still waiting for someone to give me free stuff just for my brilliant blog.

    I found you through my Google Reader recommendations. I'm going to stalk you for a bit, mmm-k? :)

  26. This is the first time I've read your blog, but I am quite entertained, and can I just say AMEN to everything you've said about Dooce? I'm over her. I think I'll be coming here more often!

  27. I just want to add that now that I erad this awesome review on your blog I feel compelled to wath all those shows and feel like I am part of something cool and magical.

    See? That's what my life is reduced to: Doing what my blog friends say.

  28. You totally nailed it with this post. I had the same convo about the same time (it's 2 years ago now--and I used to watch it while folding clothes). And the same is true for what used to be my favorite blogs. They are RIDICULOUS now, and you put it succintly WHY. Because, por ejemplo, I still have a hard time shelling out double digits for any item of clothing, no matter how much money I have in the bank, because that's just how I am. Full time blogging and endorsements are aawkward and painful. THANKS for handling your success so well and thanks for not selling out cuz I certinly wouldn't be reading the whole thing if it was just a thinly veiled commercial or a big long brag about all the free stuff you get.
