Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Things That Make You Go Blek

Are you familiar with the hideousness that is the Disney Channel Summer Games? My kids Tivoed it, so I have seen in a few times. Its like Jr. High P.E. but with none of the self-consciousness. Yikes. There's really nothing worse, in my opinion, than over-confident, over-enthusiastic, spastic teens and tweens. It's really gross and I hate it.
I guess the only people who are watching Law and Order every night are me and poor people who use catheters. It's a demographic I didn't know existed. I kind of wish it didn't. Every night I see adds for fresh catheters for people who have to reuse catheters when they "cath." When did "to cath" become a verb? (I feel disenfranchised for not being in on that decision.) It's disturbing: "I used to have to boil and reuse catheters every time I had to cath." Oh my goodness. Separate pots and pans for caths and pasta, I hope. Listen, I feel for these people. Should I ever (heaven forbid) need to cath, I hope I won't have to reuse my catheters. But I would prefer not to get that kind of information from a commercial on TV--maybe some kind of private mailing?

And lastly, I just barely saw an ad for moms where a busy lady says that she "deserves a paper plate as strong as" she is. I'm pretty strong too--and I'm a harried mom as well. Please tell me I "deserve" something more than a paper plate. I like to think I deserve a nice birthday present, or freedom of speech. If a strong paper plate is not just a handy object but something I deserve I might just want to kill myself.


  1. I hate that paper plate commercial (and I seem to see it constantly). "I will not be defined by my dishes." Plus, it is so clearly an anti-going-green commercial.

  2. I just found your blog and I'm rolling! Thanks for lightening my day!

  3. You deserve so much more than a paper plate. I will see to it that you get a spork too. Right after I cath. (GROSS!)

  4. This is why I eschew late night T.V.

    I'd rather read blogs.

  5. We have no Tivo, and my kids have planned their whole weekend around Sat night's Disney Channel Games. Ugh. I remember LOVING "Battle of the Network Stars" when I was a kid. Now tube socks and short shorts are back in, apparently.

  6. Kacy - You don't know me from Adam, but I found your blog a while back through and I love, love, love it!!! You put into words how I feel and act on a daily basis. We could be best friends.

    Thanks for the entertainment on both blogs!!


  7. crying with laughter! Thanks!

  8. "There's really nothing worse, in my opinion, than over-confident, over-enthusiastic, spastic teens and tweens."

    And this is why there is still a ban on non-animated Disney TV shows in my house. I am going to cling to it as long as I can, Hannah Montana be darned.

  9. Hate those Disney sit-coms!! I am sooooo sick of young kids that think that life is one big sit-com. I oughta know, I always get them in my musical theatre camps---ugh...

    So, basically---there are no such channels allowed in my house. And well, I don't see commercials anymore, as I only watch what I TIVO, so I am a TIVO snob, by the way---and darn proud of it!

    Great to meet you, also---you are clever and cute and another fun person! I will keep reading...

  10. Just when I was feeling bad that we cancelled our cable...

  11. I've always thought it would be pretty interesting and a little bit horrifying to sit in on the advertising executive meetings on "the big paper plate" account and listen to them discuss their demographic (me) and try to figure out how to reach them (me). Then, when I see what they come up with--well, that's the horrifying part.

  12. "Hey grandma, whatcha cooking?"

    "Just my catheter."

  13. I'll say this just the once. Shoot your TV!

  14. Anonymous7:56 PM

    "Team Inferno owns!!!"*

    *-Thank you to my 7 and 9 year old cousins for the quick three second reference in reply to the question 'What's The Disney Channel Games???'

  15. Anonymous7:55 PM

    You are so hysterically funny! I found your blog because Gabrielle (designmom) tweeted about it. I've just read so many entries. I feel like today is my lucky day that I found you...

  16. Wow Kacy, everyone LOVES you!!! You are getting some serious comment love...

    I have never seen that paper plate commercial but I have to agree, it would be a toss up between free speech and paper plates that are as strong as I am... hmm.

    I am also a hug Law and Order fan (except when I am pregnant, then it just makes me irrationally angry). I have never seen a 'cath" commercial. You must have a better station than I do...whenever I see that show I cannot help thinking of the SNL commercial that Sam Waterston did about getting Robot insurance. It is a good one.

    I hope that I never have to "cath" myself, but mostly I hope that I never have to cath another person. Ever.

  17. Thank you for blogging about that silly/hideous paper plate commercial. Every time I see it I swear I feel dumber. Anyway, love your blog, glad we feel the same way about the paper plate thing.

  18. I think I deserve at least 7 paper plates. =) We just got TV this month for the Olympics and I've seen a lot of commercials like that.
