Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Shoe I Drew in 3rd Grade

Sorry it's been so long since I posted. The truth is, I got this haircut that is accidentally way too short and it makes me feel pretty (wait for it. . .) anti-social. I just hate for people to have to see me, acknowledge it, and tell me how they happen to like long hair better but it's great for me. A few people just look at me and quickly look away. These are the people I admire most. I guess this anti-social behavior has spilled over into my blogging but that doesn't make sense because you can't see me. Or can you?

I've also been spending a lot of time in my son's 3rd grade classroom. Why? No real reason. Not to brag, well rather. . . to brag: he's super smart and very nice and, honestly--most people who interact with him at church (etc) tell me that he is wonderful. I'm just saying. (He's a little different from Ben who just last Sunday threw a remote control into my step-dad's new, big, plasma screen tv. They do shatter--in case you were wondering.) Anyway, Sam was all worried about his "champ cash" (or lack thereof) which is some kind of reward system used by his teacher because apparently one must offer up champ cash in exchange for privileges such as going to the bathroom. When we asked about it, the teacher described my son as "spacey," and often in "la-la land." Now, it is true that I DO have a Master's degree in rhetoric so I am perhaps more sensitive to connotations of certain words; nevertheless, a discussion of "focus" and "concentration" might have gone over a tad better--word to the wise!

So now I'm volunteering in the classroom. Sam's teacher often tells me to go home because she doesn't need/want my help but I am persistent. I have noticed a lot of differences since I was in 3rd grade. First of all, I must have been A LOT better than my son because I just found a box of my old work from grade school and I had 100% on everything. It was, in fact, stamped on everything. "100% Good Job! Perfect!" Like on everything! Sam brings home work that is actually graded. Apparently, they don't just stamp 100% on stuff anymore. It's all, "92%" or whatever. I know for a fact people care a lot more about self-esteem now than they did then and yet here they are squelching it with scores at every turn.

And another thing they do now is self-evaluation. I didn't self-evaluate until I was in college. Even then I felt a little weird about it but I still gave myself an A. These kids have to fill out an evaluation after every single "center." They rate themselves from 1-5 (5 being the highest). I have never seen anyone give themself a 5. It's weird. The closest thing I found to a self-evaluation in my old school papers was a "get to know you" worksheet wherein I had to tell what my best subject was. My response? Art, of course. Here is some evidence of my 3rd grade art talent.
This is the side view of a tennis shoe. Quite frankly, I'm surprised that I said Art was my best subject. Art was and always has been my WORST subject. What was I thinking? I must have been in la-la land. I guess I had taken those 100%s to heart and felt invincible. Don't worry, the shame has since caught up to me.

On a scale of 1-5 how do I rate this blog? On a scale of 1-5 how hard do I think I tried?

I say 5. I totally give it a 5. (It's not like they have ever added on points for modesty.) Look at that shoe! It's awesome. I didn't trace it either. You might think I did because of some of the lines--but I didn't.


  1. I think your hair looks cute. I wouldn't look away if I saw you. And I wouldn't say that I like long hair best on most people because that just isn't true either. I think long hair should be left, in most cases, on the supermodels with hair teams where it belongs.

  2. The only peeps who like long hair best are men, most of whom have never even HAD long hair. They don't know. And the women who say they like long hair are just trying to placate the men, whose esteem they fear they will lose if their hair is short. Most women require some sort of style and shape for their faces. Long hair is not always flattering. Forgive my outburst.... As for Sam, if he is "spacey" then I am a long-haired goddess.

  3. The teacher-ninny doesn't know the difference between "quiet" and "non-self-asserting" and "spacey." Her teaching certificate should be cancelled. In fact, they should pre-date its cancellation, effective last September.

  4. I think I had that same pair of tennis shoes!

  5. I can never guess what your next blog will be about. LOVE 'EM!

    I stopped volunteering (after one visit) in my son's classroom because the teacher only had us volunteer parents there to read to the "slow" kids. No thanks. Blech.

  6. Thowing remotes? I have a son like that.
    Evidence gathered of "spacey" behavior at parent-teacher conferences? I have a son like that. Maybe I should cut my hair.

  7. If I were you, (and you were crazy) I’d throw a remote at the teachers face, watch it shatter, and then not pay for it.

  8. Could you post a picture of your new haircut?

  9. Kacy, if you rub that shoe does a genie come out?

  10. I can't picture you with long hair, Kacy. I'm sure the 'cut looks lovely. I have had several "accidentally way too short" cuts myself, which end up being okay once I stop crying and cultivate a few retorts for the people who "liked my hair better before" (there's always a few of those). "I liked you better before you said that," is one I haven't used, since it sounds a little bitter.

    I'm partial to short hair myself, although I've been growing mine out for no particular reason other than I want to see how long it gets. It all ends up in a ponytail anyway (so that I can show off my neck, of course), so I guess it doesn't really matter.

    I'm a big fan of the genie-lamp shoe.

  11. If it's any consolation, I don't think the third grade will mean much in the grand scheme of things...look at me: I spent the first half of my third grade experience having anxiety attacks and being yelled at by my weirdo teacher in front of the whole class for crying, made fun of to my face, yada yada yada...and I turned out just fine--more than fine!

  12. I think this just might be my favorite blog you've written.

  13. Macaroni (wait for it...) salad

    You are freaking hilarious. I'm sad Carrie doesn't blog anymore, but I'm glad I found you through her!

  14. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Quite possibly, maybe our hair just isn't short enough! And also? We're not enjoying Paige's 3rd grade teacher either! She's! AND opinionated! I wish we could go back to 2nd grade where the teacher was lovely and wonderful...and actually appreciated my little over-achiever.

  15. Anonymous3:24 PM

    My wife is NOT cutting her hair shorter. It's bum length now and very beautiful. Short hair IS practical, and sometimes looks OK on a lady, but long, flowing tresses, aahhh!!! If you dislike bad haircuts, stay away from salons.
