Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Red Barchetta: I Realized That Geddy Lee and Bono Look Alike

We gave Ben a drum set for Christmas because he wants to be a rock and roll guy when he grows up. At this point I don't see the harm in encouraging his every whim although I may come to regret it. As everyone agrees--it takes a village to raise a child. And in our village we are fortunate enough to have a couple of talented and Rush-obsessed drummers. While both are nice and undoubtedly want what's best for Ben and his unbridled enthusiasm for drumming, only one has been kind enough to loan us several Rush videos for the training of our prodigy.

My new enthusiasm for drums, drumming and drummers reminded me that in grade school when the band teacher from middle school came a-recruiting I decided that I wanted to play the drums but was unclear about how I would carry the whole drum set back and forth to school every day so I did not sign up. This was, incidentally, in the olden days before I learned that there is no such thing as a "stupid question" (a pedagogy which, by the way, I still don't fully subscribe to).

While I am grateful for the opportunity to watch these Rush movies with Ben, viewing them has brought about a rather unsettling revealation. The thing about Rush, you know, is that the drummer is the real star. I have always known that and I have always known that Geddy Lee (the singer) is an incredibly ugly person. But it was during my recent viewing of these Rush movies that I made a sickening realization. You might not want to read on because you will surely hate what you are about to see.

Now, I'm not saying they look alike. I'm just saying they are not as unalike as you might hope. That bothers me. And when I say "bothers" I mean something much closer to "horrifies."


  1. It's such a fine line between ugly and handsome! You have illustrated that point perfectly.

  2. Anonymous12:26 PM


  3. If you are going to begin the day with a friendly voice, you might as well end the day (your post) in the same fashion. The two pictures are a bit disturbing, and that is from a man's perspective.

    I will never be able to think of the Bono and Geddy Lee the same way again.

    Rock on Neil Pert! Rock on Ben!

  4. Oh, man. Are you sure you want your son to grow up to be a Rush fan? In my extensive experience with Rush fans, as in, I am married to one, I have found that social retardation is a big hurdle that must be overcome among most to all of them.

    Also, there was a time back in high school when my now-husband told me I looked like Geddy Lee. The flattery! So, basically I married a social retard who insulted me. I am so awesome.

  5. It's the pose that makes them look alike, only that. (Just keep repeating that and you'll get over this.)

  6. With all due respect to Mr. Lee, I was wondering if the difference between ugly and handsome is thirty-five Grammy's. On a side note, I was also wondering if this post was in some small way just an excuse to use "Red Barchetta" as a title because it's fun to say. Maybe it's just me.

  7. This is not disturbing at all. What you show is just another example of Yin-Yang. The two halves of the Taijitu (yin-yang symbol) look very similar, but are, in fact, exact opposites. Hot and cold, good and evil, broccoli and cauliflower, Skeksis and Mystics.

  8. I can't think of a U2 song that has the word 'reality' in it. And I can't think of a Rush song that doesn't.

  9. You know when someone slips on ice, and you try not to laugh because you know that they are hurting and embarrassed? But at the same time, you find it really funny?!

    I'm sorry...(LOL)

  10. Neil Peart is just about the best example you could show your son.

    And I'd just like to add, that thanks to Emily's comment, I now understand my teenage years.

  11. Glad I could help.

  12. I think Trent Reznor is a better Geddy twinner. He is a tiny, pointy, angry little man (he invited me--well, prolly my goth roommate, actually-- to Denny's once and I had to decline).
