Monday, November 01, 2004

Me at Senior Dinner Dance When I was Described as a ZZ Top Girl by the Principal

Well, I guess I do look a little like a ZZ Top girl, but Christian insists that it's in a good way. This picture should accompany my "Bulldog. . ." post but I'm a little late in learning how to add pictures. You can tell that the Senior Dinner Dance was held on a boat, can't you? That's an authentic boat-steering wheel behind me. This picture was taken in 1990. Everything you see was in style then--including sheer,white pantyhose, which I'm wearing. My legs are probably that white with or without the white pantyhose, but I wanted to mention them for accuracy's sake. Posted by Hello


  1. This is a great picture. Otto looks like he's just a little too excited to be there and you have a great non-smile smile going on.

  2. I'm thoroughly enjoying your pictures...I hope to add some to mine someday, however I can't even figure out how to put on links properly.

  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I like this dress better in our music video to "In My Room" by Yaz. Oh, wait, I was wearing it. That must be why.

  4. Why I keep posting as "anonymous" I will never now. Not that you would have trouble guessing who that last comment was from, eh?

  5. Dang Otto does look good!

  6. You are and all...

  7. If somebody had told me that I would look at pictures of my Ward's Young Women’s president on the internet sometime in the future, I would have said, "I wouldn’t put it past me." But, I would have been joking!
